Bus campaign successes - Reporting back
Following our success in getting the Y6 re-routed along Beesmoor Road, your Focus team has now saved the 86 service which was due to be moved away from Coalpit Heath.
Tel: 07547 125 965
Email: TristanA.Clark@southglos.gov.uk
Ward News: Frampton Cotterell Focus Team
Tristan campaigns for the restoration of cut bus services and opposes unsustainable housing developments.
He has represented Coalpit Heath on Westerleigh Parish Council since 2017 and been Vice Chair of Frampton Cotterell Parish Council since 2020.
He lives in Coalpit Heath, attended local schools and works for Tesco in Yate.
Following our success in getting the Y6 re-routed along Beesmoor Road, your Focus team has now saved the 86 service which was due to be moved away from Coalpit Heath.
Your Focus Team is delighted that one of our members, Claire Young, has been elected as the new MP for Thornbury and Yate.
The Liberal Democrat and Labour partnership which runs South Gloucestershire council presented the new draft local plan at Cabinet on November 13th. The plan sets out the housing needs for the district over the next 15 years.
Your Focus Team was delighted when the council agreed to resurface Damson Bridge and paint road markings making it safer for pedestrians.
South Glos Council has proposed converting the council owned land at Frampton End Farm into a Nature Reserve to support the delivery of the council’s Climate Emergency Declaration.