South Glos schools short changed by Tories

Local schools are missing out on millions of pounds
Claire Young is demanding fair funding for local schools which, shockingly, sit rock bottom of the national league table for funding from the Conservative government.
South Gloucestershire’s pupils, currently England’s poor relations, get just £5,233 per pupil per year spent on their education by the Conservative government. Compared top the national average, South Gloucestershire’s pupils will miss out on nearly £17 million next year.
Since Claire became South Gloucestershire Council leader last May, her administration has written to the Department for Education, demanding an end to the funding scandal that sees local pupils wearing coats during lessons because headteachers can’t afford to heat their schools properly. She said, “I believe strongly South Gloucestershire’s children deserve a good education and should be treated fairly. Sadly the Conservative government is failing them.
“Local teachers, despite working incredibly hard for our young people, are not being given the money to do their jobs properly. And its our children and grandchildren who suffer as a result.
“It’s not fair our young people are missing out on the vital opportunities they need to achieve their full potential.”
Claire added that she won’t let the Conservatives keep taking South Gloucestershire’s young people for granted. As our next MP, Claire would take the fight for South Gloucestershire’s schools’ missing millions to Parliament.